5th August 2012

Olympic Ink


My contribution to the 2012 Games is

aesthetic not athletic.


The Leith Agency asked me to create an illustrated Saltire

(the Scottish flag)

to be used across Scotland House,

our little nation’s HQ and embassy for the Olympics.


Commissioned by The Scottish Government,

the artwork will be used throughout the duration of the games

on back drops, banners and literature.


Alex Salmond

The Proclaimers


Yes, that’s The Proclaimers.


The Saltire features an intricate medley of all that makes Scotland unique;

From Edinburgh Castle, to fresh local ingredients, whisky, golf and Robert the Bruce.


Click HERE to see a large scale version of the artwork

And HERE to watch the opening.


See the artwork in situ at Scotland House on Pall Mall in London town for the next couple of weeks.

I’m not going to see it myself, so if you are passing by, take a snap and send it to me please!


Thanks to Alan Ainsley and Bob Lovie at Leith, pleasure working with you as always.

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